January is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month.
Further to our post earlier this month, here are some tips to assist you in maintaining your loved one’s good denture and oral health.
[Read more…] about Denture Care for Alzheimer’s Patients (part 2)Bringing unique smiles to life
January is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month.
Further to our post earlier this month, here are some tips to assist you in maintaining your loved one’s good denture and oral health.
[Read more…] about Denture Care for Alzheimer’s Patients (part 2)January is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month
If you are caregiver to a loved one suffering from Alzheimer’s, you may need to assist them with proper denture and oral care. In the early and middle stages of the disease, this may mean offering support, reminders, and coaching. In the later stages of the disease, you may need to take over responsibility for this care.
Here are some tips to assist you in maintaining your loved one’s good denture and oral health.
[Read more…] about Denture care for Alzheimer’s patients (part 1)When a person has Alzheimer’s, appointments with health and dental care practitioners are inevitable. However, those appointments also cause disruption to routines that are often calming for persons with dementia.
[Read more…] about When a Loved One Has Alzheimer’s – Planning for appointment successIf you are caregiver to someone with Alzheimer’s, the job of communicating what your loved one needs to feel comfortable may fall to you. The more you can share with your Denturist about how to reduce your loved one’s anxiety, the better they can provide a positive and productive appointment experience.
[Read more…] about When a Loved One Has Alzheimer’s – Communication with denture clinic staff2910 – 31st Avenue
Vernon, BC V1T 2G4
Tel: 250.542.9117
Toll-Free: 1.877.539.1972
Fax: 250.542.9677
Email: admin@vernondentureclinic.com