Some patients require extraction of all the teeth on either (or both) of their upper or lower arches and choose to replace those extracted teeth with an immediate denture.
Once extractions have been completed, these patients can expect considerable change to their oral structures. In fact, studies show that within the first year after extractions, an estimated 50% of jawbone width will be lost, 30% of which occurs within the first 12 weeks. (Bone loss eventually slows down but will continue year after year.) As the jawbone changes, the gums that cover that bone will also change shape.
Unfortunately, the shape of a denture will not change as your jawbone and gums shrink. This means that as time goes on – and especially in the first year following extractions – your denture will start to feel looser. For these patients, tissue conditioners can help to restore comfort, fit, and function temporarily and until bone loss tapers off and a denture reline is warranted.