One of the most frequent questions we are asked is how long will my new denture last. Sadly, a denture will not last forever – 5 to 7 years on average – but perhaps not for the reasons you think.
[Read more…] about How long will my denture last?Bringing unique smiles to life
One of the most frequent questions we are asked is how long will my new denture last. Sadly, a denture will not last forever – 5 to 7 years on average – but perhaps not for the reasons you think.
[Read more…] about How long will my denture last?Once you have your denture, you can forget about it, right? Wrong! Annual checkups are needed to keep you healthy, comfortable, and smiling.
[Read more…] about Annual Checkups Will Keep You Smiling2910 – 31st Avenue
Vernon, BC V1T 2G4
Tel: 250.542.9117
Toll-Free: 1.877.539.1972
Fax: 250.542.9677
Email: admin@vernondentureclinic.com